Creative Resilience


Be part of the conversation that redefines resilience, so you define your own path, increase your energy and thrive in your leadership.

Yes count me in !
Ignite Your Wild Spirit with Angela Philp!

Creative Resilience


Be part of the conversation that redefines resilience, so you define your own path, increase your energy and thrive in your leadership.

Yes count me in !

Creative Resilience


Be part of the conversation that redefines resilience, so you define your own path, increase your energy and thrive in your leadership.

Yes count me in !
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Is this for me?

The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me!

– Ayn Rand, writer and philosopher.

If you work in a field with limited resources and are in a constant state of over functioning – this is for you!

If your work and life is just one fire to fight after another and the sheer exhaustion of survival has got you down – this is for you!

If you keep a tight grip of control on everything because you just can’t trust (but know you should) – this is for you!

If you keep thinking you aren’t enough and don’t have what it takes to lead – this is for you!

If you ever lack mojo, enthusiasm, energy, or curiosity– this is for you!

If you get resentful of others’ ability to take time out – this is for you!

What is for you? THIS!

We have to stop trying to be more resilient!

(Yep – I’m really saying that!)

If you’re a woman, you were born resilient and born to be resilient. From periods to menopause (and sometimes childbirth in between), pain and challenge is no stranger to you. On top of that, a whole world operating system relegates you to second-class citizen every day. And all that without even counting your own personal disappointments, challenges, losses.

We have had to fight and are still fighting, for the right to have a voice, a vote, our own bodies, equal pay, to break the glass ceiling. We take on more of the home and care work while holding down full time jobs.

For the love of life, my dear, more resilient you do not need to be! At least not how we have defined resilience till now. On the contrary, resilience is driving you into the ground – exhausted- to-the-bone, disconnected from yourself and frustrated. That’s gotta stop.

I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.

– Estée Lauder, co-founder of Estée Lauder Companies.

So why sign up to this programme?

So why sign up to this programme?

I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.

– Estée Lauder, co-founder of Estée Lauder Companies.

Here’s why!

You’ll redefine the meaning of resilience, then redesign the role resilience plays in your life. You’re not going to learn how to be more resilient in a system where the odds are stacked against you. This alone will change your life.

You’ll connect with your natural resilience in a regenerative, uplifting, and energizing way.

You’ll discover new creative power within yourself to navigate your challenges with grace, trust, optimism, and confidence – without avoidance, and without toughing it out.

You’ll get your mojo back!

There is another way

Life is inherently co-creative. We must be also.

– Angela Philp, Wild Spirit Leadership & Queen of possible.

A more dignified, caring and innovative way

To be resilient and deal with life powerfully without overcoming, being stoic, developing a thick skin, developing a warrior mindset, ‘just doing it.’ Or simply – just trusting it will all work out.

Certified 100% bootcamp-free, just get over yourself-free, stiff upper lip-free & toxic positivity-free And yet deeply, immensely powerful.

angela philp

At the magical age of 52 I believe that PLAY, LOVE AND CARE are equally important to leadership as RESPONSIBILITY, INTEGRITY, AND EFFICIENCY. That powerful, transformative leadership comes from spirit – not ego. Leadership is an inside-out phenomenon – both within the personal and wider system.

There is much work to be done…

Despite the statistics saying gender parity will take another 300 years, I believe that it is possible to transform the paradigm and, from that place, half of all leadership positions worldwide be held by women within the next 10 years. Why? Because we will have been creatively unstoppable and redesigned it that way.

I’ve lived and continue to live my own life as a creative adventure.

I’ve been an extreme adventure athlete – racing on horses, camels, sea kayaks and bikes, as well as running up mountains, down glaciers and across deserts for days on end. Furthermore, I homeschooled my 3 children for 3 years, long before Covid, and I studied contemporary calligraphy for 8 years – transforming old doors and driftwood into pieces of art with powerful words of inspiration. Generative, creative resilience and making the impossible happen… It’s in my bones.

I’ve designed education programmes through the UNESCO for women and girls in developing countries, and for the last 13 years have run programmes and workshops in my role as women’s leadership coach. My clients are all BRILLIANT, CREATIVE, HUMBLE, DEVOTED WOMEN LEADERS who are transforming systems and making major impact in world change while living lives they love. Lives that are congruent with all their desires.

I believe that we have a responsibility to bring our gifts as leaders to the planet. While the world has been very resistant to women’s leadership, it also desperately needs us in order for it to come into balance.

If you know in your heart that you are meant to transform leadership rather than conform to it, then JOIN ME IN REDEFINING RESILIENCE AND CREATING A THRIVING WORLD, STARTING WITH YOU THRIVING.




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